Get out. Vote. Make History.

Coming from Birmingham - ground zero of the Civil Rights Movement - this election has surreal and historic implications for me. But, regardless, of political affiliation, race, gender, or economic background, make sure you get out and vote. Make History!

Today, I’ve already driven over 100 miles to my polling place, had my car door hit by a baffled senior citizen, and heard my aunt recount a hilarious story about an overzealous voter throwing the Black Power Fist in Wal-Mart. I’m sure there’s more laughing and head-shaking to come.

If you have any political stories to share, let’s hear ‘em. I can only imagine what you all have been seeing and hearing out there. Until then, enjoy the day and make sure your voice is heard.

I’m Deon Gordon, and I approve this message.

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#1 JoLynn Braley from The Fit Shack on 11.04.08 at 1:03 pm

Wow Deontee, you really went through some obstacles to get your vote in, but good for you! Gave me a chuckle, too, to read your story, thanks! :)

#2 Nieruchomosci Gryfino on 08.17.09 at 6:03 am

I think that voting is one of the most important things to do in one’s life. It is sometimes the only way to have some influence on future decisions about me and my children. Many people underestimate the power of elections and think that one vote is not important. Look at politicians - they fight to death for any vote, because sometimes one vote can decide.

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