Due to popular demand: my recipe for pan-seared talapia with cream sauce

Due to popular demand (on Twitter of all places), here is my recipe for Pan seared talapia with cream sauce:

Caveat: I don’t really measure my ingredients. I do a lot of “eyeballing” so these sizes aren’t the most precise.



  • Talapia fillets (2)
  • Olive oil
  • Shredded Parmesan cheese (1/3 cup)
  • Sea salt
  • Cracked pepper
  • Garlic powder
  • Oregano
  • Lemon juice
  • Sour cream (1 cup)
  • Scallions/Green onions (1/2 cup), chopped
  • Portobello mushrooms (1 cup), diced
  • Cherry tomatoes (handful), slice half of them and set the whole ones aside
  • Crumbled bacon (1/2 cup)
  • Butter (3/4 of a stick)
  • Asparagus (1/2 cup), diced

Here we go:

Coat a large skillet with oilive oil and 2 tbsp. of butter. Heat on medium-high.

Brush fillets with oilive oil and butter. Season by lightly sprinkling with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and oregano.

Cook fillets appoximately 2 minutes on each side. Add 1 tbsp. of lemon juice to fish, once before turning and once before removing.

Heat another skillet on med-high heat. In it, melt 4 tbsp. (half a stick) of butter. Wait until butter begins to brown.

Add diced portobello mushrooms. Cook until golden brown.

Add asparagus… sear in the pan for 1 - 2 minutes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Next, add all of the remaining ingredients (except for the sour cream): sliced cherry tomatoes (not the whole ones), asparagus, bacon, scallions, and cheese.

Reduce heat to med-low.

Add 1 tbsp. of butter, 2 tbsp. of lemon juice, and a pinch of salt and pepper.

Add in the sour cream and stir thoroughly.

Remove fillets and drizzle cream sauce over them. Add the remaining whole cherry tomatoes. Lightly sprinkle plate with salt, pepper, and oregano.


talapia dish


1 hungry dude with dreadlocks (normally: serves 2).

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#1 The Mrs. on 05.06.09 at 2:39 pm

Word! You was throwin’ down huh? LOL! Is that cream sauce your original recipe? If so, that’s very impressive. I will SO be trying this next week. Joey will let you know how it turns out I guess. :P
Thanks for posting! Looks yummy!

The Mrs.

#2 Deon on 05.06.09 at 4:44 pm

Mrs. - Haha… I was trying to do a little “sumthin, sumthin.” And yes, that cream sauce recipe is an original. It was my first time trying it so I’ll be playing around and refining it even more in the days ahead.

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